Tuesday, December 30
I've also decided to do a one day only 27% off my entire shop, excluding gift certificates. AND in lue (is that how you spell it?) of my b-day...I'm also going to give away a 2009 wall calendar.
12 artists, including one or 2 crafters made this calendar put out by postcardmania.com
I was one of the lucky 12! I have one to give away and it could be yours.
To enter:
1) Post your favorite sea creature to give me an idea for a next painting and a random # (noooo I'm not using you..i promise)
2) Post your email if you can not be contacted through blogger
4) Visit my etsy and save 27% Dec 30th only.
3) That's it...you're entered.
CONTEST ENDS Jan 4th (it's a short one...)
Thursday, December 25
Jon Carling @ Studio 27.28 Jan 3rd

"I really don't limit myself to any particular subject matter or influence...I try and smash as many ideas into my work as possible...equally interpreting the way I saw life as a child and the way I see life today. Pen and ink is just what I have always done, its great because you don't pay much for supplies, and you can do it in bed."
Carling is added to the list of many great artists that Studio 27.28 has shown from the west coast. He will be attending the art opening and will be available to answer your questions about his art, and maybe cheers a brewsky with you. For more information visit Studio2728.com. The Studio 27.28 is located on 2728 Girard Ave, Philadelphia (right around the corner from NorthStar bar, and down the street from the zoo.)
Monday, December 15
Newsletter: Issue 12
Sometimes I don’t feel like a real artist. My mind doesn’t always come up with new and exciting things, I say the wrong words or can’t think of what to say, and I’m very business oriented in my other “work” worlds, mainly marketing.

Most artists do what they have to do to make art. Find a job here, and there, anywhere. Others stumble upon something that will allow them to paint more than work. There’s also the group that dreamed of making art “one day”, and now they’re sitting in an office, maybe a cubicle still dreaming that they once put themselves into the art world and actually made a career out of it. And then there’s that other group, the ones that are sitting comfortably in their office chair, only thinking about their job and not dreaming of anything else. Obviously, not everyone is the same, and I’m not putting anyone down for their decisions but it’s true, there are a lot of people that stop making art just because of a job.
So where do I fall into that scheme? I’m not totally sure. I’m not in the last group, mainly because when I had an office job I wasn’t comfortable. Some days were good, but most of the time I just wanted to get out and paint more and more. Now that I’m working from home, only 1/3 of the week, what am I doing with my time? Well…I just ran out of canvases after a terrible creative block. That’s a good sign…but now what?
What art am I doing that makes me a real artist? I’m doing something I love, I know that much. When I sell a painting, I think about how many more supplies I can buy…not I need to make more money. So maybe I am a true artist after all. Watching videos of artists or reading an article in an art zine, it makes me feel like there’s so much more to know, to say, and to paint. That’s good, art influencing art. That’s how it should be.
I hope that one day I’ll be an inspiration to other artists, whether I know it or not. Sure it would be cool to know who and when and where, but ….that’s ok. I can live with knowing that someone influenced me and I can possibly inspire others to keep creating, and learning. The term artist is a broad term when you look at the whole picture. It’s a tall order to live up to and I think that’s why I question if I’m a true artist or not. One day, and one painting at a time. Someday it’ll sink in that I’m an artist.
Studio 27.28 Jonathan and Leigh's gallery is having a sale on everything in the store, December 24th from 3-7pm. 15% off! Located at 2728 Girard Ave, Philadelphia PA 19130. Not far from the Zoo. Featuring West Coast and Philadelphia Artists. Also, handmade gifts like scarves, stuffed animals, small paintings, and pottery available.
Jan 3rd, 1st Saturday Opening, from 6-9pm
Studio 27.28 presents Jon Carling
Thursday, December 11
Featured Store of the Week! Fun Wall Art

Her boxes are very classy, and fun. The boxes range from Shabby Chic to Animal Prints and are only $25 each. Pictured is my favorite one, although I found it very hard to pick. To see it in the shop click here.
FunWallArt also has photo frames that are their unique style. Distressed and Classic looking, like this one
Here's a little something from FunWallArt:
When I was a little girl I used to flip thru my mothers family circle magazines looking for the newest crafting ideas then I would get to work.
I really love crafting and if I could I would spend almost every minute of every day doing it. I guess my family does have to eat and I suppose I should keep my house clean, not to mention work so this is not a reality for me.
The most fun for me is loving the end result of my efforts, but even better is when someone else loves it!
Til Next Time! - Leigh
Sunday, December 7
Violet the Hammerhead Winner!
This comes just in time for the holiday season...and if you didn't win, here's a gift from me.
25% off everything in my etsy shop, ONLY if you participated in this contest.
Visit me at http://www.picturesbyleigh.etsy.com, convo me and I will take off 25% before you purchase the item. Have a great Sunday and good luck in the next contest....coming this week.
- Leigh
Thursday, December 4
Featured Shop of the Week - Edith and Lulu

This store transforms buttons in to earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. All at affordable prices too. She also likes to use vintage buttons. Pictured is a pair that really caught my eye. Circles and Squares
Here's a little from "Edith and Lulu":
Well, I'm named neither Edith, nor Lulu. I just love the names and I think that together they fit my jewelry well. I found the names in a list of popular names from the 20s, 30s and 40s. Edith and Lulu jewelry is a little bit vintage, a little bit contemporary, a little demure and sometimes, a little wild. By the way, I named my pet Bearded Dragons Edith and Lulu also. Lulu turned out to be Louie, or Big Lou.
What is with all the buttons? I've been collecting buttons for years. I have so many and my challenge is to use them to make beautiful things. The buttons I use are found, recycled, vintage, collectible and sometimes new. Everywhere I go I look for buttons.
Don't forget to check out Edith and Lulu's Shop HERE
Wednesday, December 3
LOL Party #2
Last night was Leigh on Location (LOL), and we had quite the showing.
Tons of food, alot of talking, and I think everyone bought something for themselves.
Rachel's Thread was the sponsor of this party! Here is her display.
And to add to the excitement, our newest entrepreneur had a little display selling
"Hooray for Crochet". It was a hit!
Rachel told me that her and Andrea decided that the wine color I used for the background was intoxicating. It's true, as soon as I started laying down that color...everyone started claiming pieces. Even before they knew what it was going to have on it, or what it was going to look like!
Never have I experienced something like that. It was a much needed boost after my creative block...what a relief. And let me thank my mom for taking these pictures. :)
Time to get some pumpkin soup started. Til Next time - Leigh
Tuesday, December 2
Outdoors Hockey
Jake cut his finger on a giant pencil sharpener for one of those giant pencils. I think that is only something that can happen to little kids lol. He'll be ok, so I'm allowed to laugh.
Both Danny, who plays defense, and Gavin, who plays offense, scored last night! One of their players also got a hat trick. Needless to say, they won the game 6-0 and "clenched" 1st place. (I heard the coach say that).
Anyway, it was a fun little excursion. I encourage you, if you have nephews or nieces to go out and watch their sports. It's worth your efforts.