I receive a weekly email from Jack Canfield's Coaching an I thought I would share this week's...well only part of it. It's kind of long but quick read. Enjoy. :)
by Jack Canfield
An excerpt from Jack Canfield's KEY to Living the Law of Attraction
The best attitude you can possibly aspire to express year-round is one of gratitude and appreciation.
Being truly grateful for what is already present in your life will automatically and effortlessly attract more good into your life.
Make a conscious decision to appreciate and acknowledge all that you have already been blessed with. These emotions are of the highest vibrational frequency, and through the Law of Attraction they will attract even more to be thankful for.
Try to be grateful for even the difficult and challenging situations that arise in your life.
It is often through these situations, that we experience the most profound growth. You can learn to view each apparent obstacle as an opportunity to develop a new quality, strength, skill, insight or wisdom and be grateful for the lessons. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth and expansion.
Rise to these occasions, and appreciate all that you are learning in the process. Keeping your attitude positive and appreciative through these times will not only help to avoid attracting more of these difficult situations into your life ─ it will also create a field of positive energy that will attract more of what you do want.
"Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely
the attitude of gratitude is the most important,
and by far the most life-changing."
- Zig Ziglar