Tuesday, December 30
I've also decided to do a one day only 27% off my entire shop, excluding gift certificates. AND in lue (is that how you spell it?) of my b-day...I'm also going to give away a 2009 wall calendar.
12 artists, including one or 2 crafters made this calendar put out by postcardmania.com
I was one of the lucky 12! I have one to give away and it could be yours.
To enter:
1) Post your favorite sea creature to give me an idea for a next painting and a random # (noooo I'm not using you..i promise)
2) Post your email if you can not be contacted through blogger
4) Visit my etsy and save 27% Dec 30th only.
3) That's it...you're entered.
CONTEST ENDS Jan 4th (it's a short one...)
Thursday, December 25
Jon Carling @ Studio 27.28 Jan 3rd

"I really don't limit myself to any particular subject matter or influence...I try and smash as many ideas into my work as possible...equally interpreting the way I saw life as a child and the way I see life today. Pen and ink is just what I have always done, its great because you don't pay much for supplies, and you can do it in bed."
Carling is added to the list of many great artists that Studio 27.28 has shown from the west coast. He will be attending the art opening and will be available to answer your questions about his art, and maybe cheers a brewsky with you. For more information visit Studio2728.com. The Studio 27.28 is located on 2728 Girard Ave, Philadelphia (right around the corner from NorthStar bar, and down the street from the zoo.)
Monday, December 15
Newsletter: Issue 12
Sometimes I don’t feel like a real artist. My mind doesn’t always come up with new and exciting things, I say the wrong words or can’t think of what to say, and I’m very business oriented in my other “work” worlds, mainly marketing.

Most artists do what they have to do to make art. Find a job here, and there, anywhere. Others stumble upon something that will allow them to paint more than work. There’s also the group that dreamed of making art “one day”, and now they’re sitting in an office, maybe a cubicle still dreaming that they once put themselves into the art world and actually made a career out of it. And then there’s that other group, the ones that are sitting comfortably in their office chair, only thinking about their job and not dreaming of anything else. Obviously, not everyone is the same, and I’m not putting anyone down for their decisions but it’s true, there are a lot of people that stop making art just because of a job.
So where do I fall into that scheme? I’m not totally sure. I’m not in the last group, mainly because when I had an office job I wasn’t comfortable. Some days were good, but most of the time I just wanted to get out and paint more and more. Now that I’m working from home, only 1/3 of the week, what am I doing with my time? Well…I just ran out of canvases after a terrible creative block. That’s a good sign…but now what?
What art am I doing that makes me a real artist? I’m doing something I love, I know that much. When I sell a painting, I think about how many more supplies I can buy…not I need to make more money. So maybe I am a true artist after all. Watching videos of artists or reading an article in an art zine, it makes me feel like there’s so much more to know, to say, and to paint. That’s good, art influencing art. That’s how it should be.
I hope that one day I’ll be an inspiration to other artists, whether I know it or not. Sure it would be cool to know who and when and where, but ….that’s ok. I can live with knowing that someone influenced me and I can possibly inspire others to keep creating, and learning. The term artist is a broad term when you look at the whole picture. It’s a tall order to live up to and I think that’s why I question if I’m a true artist or not. One day, and one painting at a time. Someday it’ll sink in that I’m an artist.
Studio 27.28 Jonathan and Leigh's gallery is having a sale on everything in the store, December 24th from 3-7pm. 15% off! Located at 2728 Girard Ave, Philadelphia PA 19130. Not far from the Zoo. Featuring West Coast and Philadelphia Artists. Also, handmade gifts like scarves, stuffed animals, small paintings, and pottery available.
Jan 3rd, 1st Saturday Opening, from 6-9pm
Studio 27.28 presents Jon Carling
Thursday, December 11
Featured Store of the Week! Fun Wall Art

Her boxes are very classy, and fun. The boxes range from Shabby Chic to Animal Prints and are only $25 each. Pictured is my favorite one, although I found it very hard to pick. To see it in the shop click here.
FunWallArt also has photo frames that are their unique style. Distressed and Classic looking, like this one
Here's a little something from FunWallArt:
When I was a little girl I used to flip thru my mothers family circle magazines looking for the newest crafting ideas then I would get to work.
I really love crafting and if I could I would spend almost every minute of every day doing it. I guess my family does have to eat and I suppose I should keep my house clean, not to mention work so this is not a reality for me.
The most fun for me is loving the end result of my efforts, but even better is when someone else loves it!
Til Next Time! - Leigh
Sunday, December 7
Violet the Hammerhead Winner!
This comes just in time for the holiday season...and if you didn't win, here's a gift from me.
25% off everything in my etsy shop, ONLY if you participated in this contest.
Visit me at http://www.picturesbyleigh.etsy.com, convo me and I will take off 25% before you purchase the item. Have a great Sunday and good luck in the next contest....coming this week.
- Leigh
Thursday, December 4
Featured Shop of the Week - Edith and Lulu

This store transforms buttons in to earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. All at affordable prices too. She also likes to use vintage buttons. Pictured is a pair that really caught my eye. Circles and Squares
Here's a little from "Edith and Lulu":
Well, I'm named neither Edith, nor Lulu. I just love the names and I think that together they fit my jewelry well. I found the names in a list of popular names from the 20s, 30s and 40s. Edith and Lulu jewelry is a little bit vintage, a little bit contemporary, a little demure and sometimes, a little wild. By the way, I named my pet Bearded Dragons Edith and Lulu also. Lulu turned out to be Louie, or Big Lou.
What is with all the buttons? I've been collecting buttons for years. I have so many and my challenge is to use them to make beautiful things. The buttons I use are found, recycled, vintage, collectible and sometimes new. Everywhere I go I look for buttons.
Don't forget to check out Edith and Lulu's Shop HERE
Wednesday, December 3
LOL Party #2
Last night was Leigh on Location (LOL), and we had quite the showing.
Tons of food, alot of talking, and I think everyone bought something for themselves.
Rachel's Thread was the sponsor of this party! Here is her display.
And to add to the excitement, our newest entrepreneur had a little display selling
"Hooray for Crochet". It was a hit!
Rachel told me that her and Andrea decided that the wine color I used for the background was intoxicating. It's true, as soon as I started laying down that color...everyone started claiming pieces. Even before they knew what it was going to have on it, or what it was going to look like!
Never have I experienced something like that. It was a much needed boost after my creative block...what a relief. And let me thank my mom for taking these pictures. :)
Time to get some pumpkin soup started. Til Next time - Leigh
Tuesday, December 2
Outdoors Hockey
Jake cut his finger on a giant pencil sharpener for one of those giant pencils. I think that is only something that can happen to little kids lol. He'll be ok, so I'm allowed to laugh.
Both Danny, who plays defense, and Gavin, who plays offense, scored last night! One of their players also got a hat trick. Needless to say, they won the game 6-0 and "clenched" 1st place. (I heard the coach say that).
Anyway, it was a fun little excursion. I encourage you, if you have nephews or nieces to go out and watch their sports. It's worth your efforts.
Sunday, November 30
Violet the Hammerhead Giveaway
This time around I'm giving away a 4x5 painting of a hammerhead shark and fish! It is titled "Violet the Hammerhead" and this painting is part of my "Into the Depths Series."

It's worth $25 and the winner will be selected randomly, as was in the last contest.
Here are the rules:
1) Go to my etsy store: picturesbyleigh.etsy.com
2) View "Out of Line" and tell me what you like most about it in a comment and you're entered!

3) Please leave your email in the comment if I can not contact you through your blog.
Thank you for participating!! and good luck!
Contest End December 7th!
Friday, November 28
Featured Etsy Store of the Week: Tacos N Eggrolls

Since it's Black Friday, I decided to post a featured shop today instead of yesterday. We're all in the shopping mode, so make sure to check out Tacos N Eggrolls shop!
To the left is her "Chiquita Skull Necklace" for $20! (I love this one) Tacos N Eggrolls make unique jewelry for all ages and at affordable prices $1-$45. You can't go wrong! Her designs really caught my eye, and I'm always on the look for something different.
Tacos N Eggrolls jewelry is affordable, hip, funky, charming, fun, exciting, colorful, bold, and cute. I don't think you should miss this shop! Click here to see more!
Here's a little something from Tacos N Eggrolls:
I started Tacos 'n' Eggrolls back in 2004, but I was making bags, jewelry and clothing with my boyfriend! We did plenty of shows together over three years, but then he got too busy with art school and I was left on my own.
It was then that I decided to keep it simple and concentrate on just jewelry. All of the above was just too much for one person. I sold in plenty of boutiques, but never thought to use the Etsy account I activated years ago. About two months ago I thought I'd give Etsy a Go and it has been really successful so far!
I never know how my jewelry will be received. I have a very unique sense of style when it comes to jewelry making. My favorite thing in the world is to play with colors, textures and shapes and mix them all about until something beautiful emerges. I've been told by many friends that I definitely march to the beat of my own drum and I guess after being on Etsy, there's a lot of other people out there marching right along with me. I really love creating jewelry to make statements and give people something to get excited about! I have fun and like to make people aware of it.
Tuesday, November 25
Fine Art Postcard WINNER
Congrats Digital Misfit! You are now the proud owner of two sets of fine art postcards, featuring 5 of my dancer paintings.
If you're not a winner, you can still "win". Just mention you participated in the postcard contest and receive 20% off your next purchase in my shop. PicturesByLeigh.etsy.com
And just so everyone knows, I used random.org to pick the winner. I gave everyone a number and Digital Misfit's number was the pick! Here's where I got the idea http://plainjanemom.com/2007/07/04/how-i-choose-winners-in-online-random-drawing-contests/ So if anyone else runs a contest I recommend using this! :) Til next time. - Leigh
Thursday, November 20
Jack Canfield's wise words
by Jack Canfield
An excerpt from Jack Canfield's KEY to Living the Law of Attraction
The best attitude you can possibly aspire to express year-round is one of gratitude and appreciation.
Being truly grateful for what is already present in your life will automatically and effortlessly attract more good into your life.
Make a conscious decision to appreciate and acknowledge all that you have already been blessed with. These emotions are of the highest vibrational frequency, and through the Law of Attraction they will attract even more to be thankful for.
Try to be grateful for even the difficult and challenging situations that arise in your life.
It is often through these situations, that we experience the most profound growth. You can learn to view each apparent obstacle as an opportunity to develop a new quality, strength, skill, insight or wisdom and be grateful for the lessons. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth and expansion.
Rise to these occasions, and appreciate all that you are learning in the process. Keeping your attitude positive and appreciative through these times will not only help to avoid attracting more of these difficult situations into your life ─ it will also create a field of positive energy that will attract more of what you do want.
"Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely
the attitude of gratitude is the most important,
and by far the most life-changing."
- Zig Ziglar
Tuesday, November 18
Guess What?
I'm going to be doing giveaways on my site, mainly my stuff to start with, unless I get some volunteers!
This time around...I'm going to be giving away 2 sets of my postcards to ONE lucky winner, valued at $10. Pictured Here:

The rules:
1) You must visit my Etsy Store and find a secret word.
2) Sign up for Etsy! It's free. Tell them you know me. (PicturesByLeigh)
3) Comment on this blog entry with the 1st word you think of when you see the secret work, but make sure it is not the secret word. (Word Association. It'll be interesting to see what everyone thinks!)
4) If you don't have blogger, convo me on Etsy with your contact info
5) You're Entered! Good Luck.....
Contest ends in 1 week. 11/25/08. Start Here: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16882021
Monday, November 17
My Monday = Sunday
It took me 2 and 1/2 hours. I sorted, rearranged, and threw out objects and papers that weren't needed. It feels good and the back basement has never felt so large haha. I also sketched out some patterns for my newest work. I'm still sticking with into the depths as PART of the painting but I'm going to start incorporating patterns, like I just said. Or it could be inspiration from a doodle. I doodle when I'm on the phone, at church, or anytime I have a piece of paper in my hands. Along with a pen of course.
Don't worry, I'm still listening when I doodle. It actually helps me think! Here's some doodles from tonight.
Now it's time to finish up the mess I made in the other room from organizing. haha. and cook dinner....
Thursday, November 13
Featured Seller of the Week - Canoo!

Here's a little something from Canoo: I want you to love monsters! and I also want to make good use of cast-off, unwanted, perfectly good materials! It helps me keep my costs down, and it saves a little bit of stuff from winding up in a landfill. protect the environment - reduce, reuse, recycle, reinvent!
iIm happy to consider custom orders, including making monsters out of your own cast-off sweaters. please allow at least 2 weeks for completion. Free hand-drawn gift cards or monster story cards on request!

Lastly, here's my favorite in the shop. To see "Guy Hollerin" Click here
Til next time! - Leigh
Tuesday, November 11
Pushing Through

So it's been about 2 months since I last painted, until this past Monday Night. I had a lot going on, and that's kind of an excuse but not totally. I wasn't thinking about art, I wasn't sketching at all, and when I was doing something artsy it was more with photos.
Of course photography is art, but both are very different and I have a hard time focusing on both. It's one or the other. So, talking to Jonathan he said just do something. So I did. and I'm overall happy with what I did....There's still a lot painting to be done, and series to be thought of but it's a step in the right direction.
I'm still incorporating my "Into the Depths" series. But also doing a little experimental things also. You'll see soon! BUT for now here's one of my new pieces I finished tonight.
Sunday, November 9
Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting anyone down, we bought cranberry apple butter in that section today. The other week it was sesame sticks. YUM. Anyway, back to the point.
Jonathan pointed to chocolate and said, "Isn't that the chocolate you bought all the way over in Switzerland?" To my amazement/shock it was! I said "Oh man! It is.....and I paid a lot more than a $1.79 for it. Are you sure it's only a $1.79?" So...needless to say I should have bought chocolate that wasn't "pre-packaged" in Switzerland. I can buy it 10 minutes from my house!!
Lesson Learned.
Friday, November 7
Featured Seller of the Week

There's a lot of jewelry makers on Etsy, but for some reason or another her store stood out to me. Here's one of my favorite designs. Colorful brown and amber glass bicone beads are on each side of a large leopard print glass bead in this gorgeous bracelet. I really like this type of hook too. And luckily for you, I just saw that they're at a reduced rate. :) Click here to go directly to the bracelet.
Heidi says: I want everyone to treat themselves or their loved one as a princess, that special person who deserves to be pampered. Home made jewelry can do just that! So please treat yourself to what you deserve :)
Til Next Time - Leigh
Monday, November 3
I think this week I'm going to get moving on some new stuff. There's a few commissions I need to get done. And then on to small small canvases. 2.5"x3.5". Just thinking about it is getting me excited and that's what I need. I've been in a little funk with art. Hopefully soon, there won't be a funk and the days that I'm not working are the days that I'll be painting.
I also need to get together a schedule for myself. Living in Philly, and working from home have both gave my schedule a "shock". There's a newsletter I get from a business Coach, Phil Humbert. Every Sunday, which is a good day cause it's a day I can sit down and read an article, he sends out and article or two on business and keeping in line etc etc. This week was on a schedule! Perfect timing. He said to get into a normal routine, plan your day, plan what HAS to get done and you'll be more productive. That's what we all want, so why wouldn't you do that?
I'm going to start planning my day today, Monday. Maybe plan a day ahead, I'm not sure yet. Wish me luck. Believe it or not, the more organized I am, the more creative I am. It's like nothing else is clogging up my neurons and they trigger differently. So, today is organizing day. Then tomorrow and beyond is creative day! :)
Creatively Yours, Leigh
Sunday, November 2
Someone from Etsy nominated me, AbbieRoad Designs, to be in a contest for Jersey Shore photos. I got 2nd place. Funny...this all happened while I was away. So this is thank you to both!
Here's the blog: http://etsynj.com/2008/10/19/shore-to-please-theme-winners/
Friday, October 31
Maxwell, Slingluff, and Safaei @ Studio 27.28

Thursday, October 30
Featured Seller - CleanRinse

It's been a while since I've updated anything, I was away for 2 weeks and there's an opening coming up for the gallery. There's a lot to be said, but not yet! Today is featured seller day!
Just as a reminder, I'm featuring one Etsy seller each week. That caught my fancy. This week is CleanRinse. I'm not sure how I came across this shop, but I recently bought a sample packet of the laundry detergent. I went with the recommended Lavendar-Sage oil scent. WOW! And as a little perk, they sent me a sample of dishwasher detergent. Although, I don't have one, I'm going to share the love and give it my mom to test out.
Great smelling detergent, and it's all chemical free. On top of it, my clothes feel softer. I am definitely an advocate of this product. And they have a special right now, buy 2 samples get one free! Try it!
Here's some words from CleanRinse about their detergent:
We are pleased to bring you a handmade laundry soap that is free of chemicals, harsh fragrances, and safe for you, your family, your pets and the planet.
Clean Rinse Laundry Detergent is
* 100% natural ingredients
* Free of chemicals, toxins, and perfumes
* Environmentally safe, even for grey water
* Contains no petro chemicals or petroleum products
* Vegetarian
With the laundry detergent, we recommend using plain white vinegar in your rinse compartment instead of fabric softener!
Your detergent can be lightly scented with any of the following oils (single scents or combined), or left unscented.
Til Next time - Leigh
Thursday, October 9
Featured Seller of the Week

Pictured is their Little Legs. They range from $8-$10. Very reasonably priced especially for keeping your child warm and stylish! Please make sure to look around her shop on etsy. She's got some amazing HANDMADE products. Crayon holders too!!

Here's what Babytopia has to say about these "Little Legs":
These leg warmers are so adorable, and I'm having so much fun making them! They are such a great accessory for your little one, especially when it gets cold outside, but they have so many more uses!
Layer them under pants for extra warmth, protect little knees as your little one learns to crawl, wear them alone for easy diaper changes (especially those groggy night time ones)! They can even be used for potty training or as a simple fashion statement - on arms or legs! The options are endless! They will outlast any other article in your baby's wardrobe because they can be worn through toddler-hood and beyond!
Each pair measures approximately 14.5" long, plenty big enough to last your little one for years to come! What uses will you come up with for them?
Let me know what you think of them! Til next Thursday, enjoy this featured shop from Etsy! - Leigh
Wednesday, October 8
Je parle un peu le francais
This is the phrase I keep saying over and over so that I don't forget it when I go to France. Somehow, I keep forgetting the un peu part. It's the middle section. That's usually the hardest part of anything to learn/remember.
Je parle un peu le francias. And the other is Parle-vous anglais? It's all in a book that I bought....color coded and all, but I'm afraid I'm going to forget and won't be able to find it in the book. It's more of a phrase book and a dictionary. It's cool, HOPEFULLY, it works for me.
Cherie and I will be thrown into the French Culture as soon as we get there. We're going to do a whirlwind tour of Paris, then fly out the next day to our final destination Evian. YEP, where the water is bottled. COOOOOL. Not sure what the plan is past that...but it'll be good. And I'm taking both of my memory cards so that I can take tons of photos. I'm nervous, anxious, and excited all in one breath. Je parle un peu le francais. It's helping to type it out.
Maybe I should start writing down all the phrases I want to remember over and over. Like I did in French class. I took 5 years of French. So that will help with pronouncing things a LITTLE better than the average American. Although, I remember le bibliotechique. I think the spelling is wrong, but that's a library. I will hopefully be updating everyone about the trip while I"m out there...and post a photo or two.
The France update....not until next week unless I want to babble about how little I know. Til then! - Leigh
Tuesday, October 7
It's Official
Rachel said she has some article on how to stay motivated. I thought I would be ok, but it's easy to get distracted. Especially when you're working off of a laptop that doesn't have all of the programs you need and then a desktop on a coffee table that can't connect to the internet.
I'm getting an awesome desk, but that's not for another 2 weeks or so. AND i have no idea why the desktop can't connect to the internet. It's wireless.......oh well. 1st Day was an overall success.
Monday, October 6
Harvest Opening

The Gallery had our 5th opening this past Saturday night.
Harvest. Our Skateboard Show!
Here's a few pics from the night. Thanks for everyone that came out. Even though Bruce Springsteen was playing and the Phillies had a "clincher" of a game, the art supporters still came out. So thank you! And Hopefully we'll see you November 1st.

Thursday, October 2
Art Mentor of Sorts

And I told her that I would help her out. Mainly so that she keeps creating but I wanted to sell some of her artwork on the site I sell mine. Etsy. I think it's pretty cool but they allow kids under 18 to sell work as long as they have an adult overseeing them.
I JUST made a Macey section in my shop.....and now, we wait for Macey to give me some artwork to post. While we're waiting, here's a pic of Macey and her Mom, Renee. :)
Monday, September 29
"Last Day"
3 days of guaranteed work, and now to find other freelance jobs. But back to today, hopefully it'll go really fast. I have a pile of things to mail out, and to file....from the boss. Not sure why they waited until today for me to do all of this. Oh well. Today should be good.
Soon, I'll be working from my home office. That's going to be weird. I think this blog, and Jonathan are going to be the only two things that keep me sane. Although, as I typed that I realized that was a completely bogus statement. I have art, I have friends, I found a yoga studio!, I'll be doing graphic design...all of that one top of getting organized. I'll have plenty to keep me sane.
Anyway - I guess I should get to work. haha. Til next time - Leigh
Sunday, September 28
October's First Saturday

Jonathan books the shows. He's doing a great job at getting in artists that have never shown in Philly. We're the new venue that shows any type of genre. If you're a skater, an old skater, or a skater fan this is the show to attend.
We're showing artwork from skaters who defined skating. Although I pretend to be a skater with my long board, I'm terrible haha. And I never really knew the "history" of skating. Most of these guys have videos, which I'm sure you can find on youtube. "Get Excited" as Rachel from Rachel's Thread would say.
P.S. I designed the postcard. :)
Thursday, September 25
I think I should have been smiling in the photo cause I am really happy to own these earrings.
From the Etsy Shop owner of Leelinau:
My name is Adina Cain and I run a shop on Etsy called "Leelinau." I'm an enrolled member of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. I grew up in Milwaukee and stayed on the reservation couple of summers in my youth. I create and sell my art, which is based upon the traditions of my culture. Anyhow, I started out as a beader. My gramma let me bead with her when I was little, and I got into it again when I was about 19. I got so many requests for my work I started selling it at Powwows all over Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. I actually had a Brick & Mortar shop in 1994 and 1995 called Woodlands & Prairies. Then I was introduced to the internet and I've never looked back. Now I sell my art on Etsy, even though I started on Ebay in 1998. I LOVE Etsy. Truly, its such a supportive, active, creative community.You meet the most wonderful people like Leigh! ^_^
Wednesday, September 24
The Green Magazine
I have to say this company knows what it's doing and were so nice. Jonathan and I "got lost". A few wrong turns, not too far out of the way, but we thought we were lost and we were only one or two lights from our next turn. Which is kind of funny. (now)
When I got there I was informed I had to do a little presentation of myself and my artwork. I had a little mini-anxiety attack but then I was told it was to be short and internally I had a sign of relief! It was odd giving a little presentation. Never though I would be in that sort of position. But the sponsor Axa Equity is big on art, I was told, so that was why they wanted us to talk a little bit. Other than the drive there, the night was great and thanks again to The Green Magazine, Jawn (who organized the event), Axa Equity, and all of the workers at Huntingdon Valley Golf Club.

I didn't bring my camera, so here's an ad for the night. Hopefully I'll get my hands on some photos later, they had a photographer walking around who was equally as excited about the night. Til next time - Artistically Yours, Leigh
Saturday, September 20
Etsy on CNN.com
A crafty way to beat the chain stores
By Mark TuttonFor CNN
LONDON, England (CNN) -- We've become used to a world where what we buy is determined by what products are stocked by a handful of chain stores, but there are signs that may be changing. The future could be one of thriving cottage industries and skilled artisans lovingly producing custom-made wares.
That's the vision of Etsy, a U.S.-based Web site that describes itself as "an online crafts fair." But unlike your local Sunday-morning market, Etsy's crafts fair has some 200,000 stall holders, who have this year sold just under $50 million-worth of their homemade goods.
The site was conceived and launched in 2005 by Rob Kalin, a carpenter, among other things, who was looking for somewhere to sell his work online. At the time, the only real outlet was eBay, but Kalin was looking for something different, something that would provide a place for small-time artisans to sell their creations.
Don't forget, I'm selling my artwork on there. - Leigh
Friday, September 19
Scribbles Book GIVEAWAY
Please visit their blog and participate! From what I understand, they do quite a few giveaways so be sure to check back after this one is over. I took some new pictures yesterday for the giveaway. Here's one:
And if you're not a winner, you can always pick one up at your local ETSY store. Here's a direct link to the book: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=12000274
Thanks for reading!
The Art of Looking Like Yourself
- I'm listed on The Little Black Boxes directory. I'm at almost a laughable spot, but hey...it's something and it didn't cost me a dime. (35 lines down.) Although, It was my "fault", I responded after the others did. 1st come 1st serve. I'm not complaining! I'm also happy to be associated with so many other great etsy shops! Here's the directory: http://thelittleblackboxes.com/directory.html
- The Scribbles Book is going to have a give away...starting today on another blog, thanks to another etsy shop! (more to be updated later)
- My shop is also listed on this website of another fellow estian! http://shefeltpink.com/links.php I'm 4th, it was also a 1st come 1st serve! How giving of other esty shops to promote. Speaking of, I'm going to be starting featuring some awesome shops I found on there.
- Last but not least, a newsletter is coming up soon! Next week or so. Keep your eyes peeled. (My dad would always say that when we were driving looking for a sign, I always pictured them peeling like bananas. In a non-gross way.)
This is from the book "The Art of Imperfection"
As I said before it's a cute little book, it's also fun and endearing. I don't use the word endearing too often, but for some reason I thought this fits this book. It's just a little book to boost your confidence and embrace who you are and where you are in life.
This excerpt is from the section "The Art of Looking Like Yourself".
p28 The best beauty product is to have a life. A real life. With challenges, disappointments, stress, and laughter.
So, let this be your reminder to be yourself!
Thursday, September 18
The Art of Being Silly

Tuesday, September 16
Click It or Ticket
But, going back into NJ from Philly on the Walt Whitman they misspelled a word. LUCKILY for me, I was in a traffic jam due to a utility truck that had an accident. And because of that I got to snap one of my favorite pictures. (on my phone.)
Jonathan actually teased me because I had it as my background for a while, instead of him or something of "value". It's allll subjective, like art!
Unfortunately, after 3 months of the sign blaring out TICKIT, they realized it was wrong. Now I don't have much to laugh at on my ride to Ocean City.
Here's the sign:

Great isn't it? haha....
Monday, September 15
The Thinker
Sunday, September 14
Vegan Chinese Restaurants
We (me, Jonathan, Kevin and Alanna) went to Kingdom a vegan (AND Kosher) Chinese Restaurant tonight. Their food is excellent. I'm not a vegan, no one in our group is.. but it's REALLY good food. Some of them you couldn't tell it was fake chicken or beef. Kind of amazing actually.
We went Philly exploring too. Went to "The Thinker" statue, not the original, and ran the "Rocky Stairs" (I'm out of shape!), put our feet in the fountain dedicated to Erickson. I don't think there's a C in his name but...for now there is. It was just a really nice night.
So, if you're ever in Philly, or near it take the night and just experience it for what it is. Don't rush it. Enjoy the moment. Now, once I figure out how to get a picture from my phone on here..I'll post "The Thinker". Stay Tuned.
Friday, September 12
Sunset Photography

Yesterday I did a photo shoot with my brother's family on the beach. (It was actually the bay)

And for the funniest picture of the night....My brother Joe, the Human Unicorn!
Thursday, September 11
Golf Art Show
That's pretty exciting. And they found me through google. (As I said before, the internet is an amazing thing....go ahead make fun of me!) I'm not sure if someone knew of me and told them or they just typed in dancers? Either way, very cool. Although, I just learned that I can only display on a table and not on the walls. That limits me to only one really large painting. I think I can make do...But, it's still going to be interesting. The thing that concerns me the most is someone might knock it over. Maybe I should put a sign up, knock it over, buy it! I'm sure I won't do that though.
Any exposure is good exposure. Maybe this will get me a few more fans and in contact with people who wouldn't normally look for my art. AND Maybe this will get me motivated to do some dancers again. I'm kind of danced out....painting wise. I have to think a little of where I want to take this series. Definitely high energy and exciting colors BUT what now? Stay Tuned.
Wednesday, September 10
Art Opening at Studio 27.28

The Crowd

The Artist

The Musician
Monday, September 8
Also, thank you to the artists that participated, Cassandra Warren and Eric de Jesus! The artwork compliments each other better than we could ever planned. And thank you to Carl Franke who provided some bangin' (I had to think of another adjective and that came to mind first) music!
Pictures to follow soon. I just wanted to get a thank you out there before anything! - Leigh
Thursday, September 4
Not Normal....weird
We all have our odd idiosyncrasies, but when does weird become normal and normal become weird? (I had a lot more to say to about this...but a co-worker just started talking to me and I totally lost my train of thought.)
I just posted a new listing on etsy for the hammerhead painting! www.PicturesByLeigh.etsy.com
I guess that will do for now! Until next time - Leigh
Wednesday, September 3
Baxter the Lobster!
"I wish I could afford Baxter the Lobster but...I just wanted to let you know that he's gorgeous. I have a tattoo of a blue lobster on my foot and really appreciate them...it's a beautiful painting and I hope he goes to a wonderful home!Cheers, xxxx"
I left out the name just incase they don't want it floating around in the internet. :) Also pictured above is Baxter hanging out at the LOL party....and the Rock Band I had. (sort of rock band). You can also visit him here: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=14835920
Creatively Yours, Leigh
Tuesday, September 2
Labor (Day Weekend)

All of it was in preparation for this weekend. Cassandra Warren from New Hampshire is showing at the gallery. Her art will be there all month, but SHE'LL be there on Sept 6th, from 6-9pm. And along for the ride is Eric De Jesus, fellow artist, and Carl Franke making tunes for us all night. (actually only until 9pm, not all night.)
So needless to say, the gallery is ready for your eyes to be looking in. Oh...and new curtains for the front. Exciting I know. Control Yourself!
Sorry about the photo....the colors are supposed to be tones of brown. I have no idea what happened when I uploaded it. But you get the point!